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Welcome & Introductions
Meet the "J " Team (3:18)
How, What, Why of This Course (11:02)
Module 1 -- Foundations and Frameworks of S.E.A.L.
Why SEAL? (10:20)
Module 1--Assessments--EQ
Emotional Intelligence (5:30)
SEL Foundations and Frameworks (21:25)
Module 1--Taking Action--Putting Learning into Practice
Module 1 Reflection & Exit Ticket
Module 2 -- Stress, Well-being, & Emotional Contagion
Module 2 Overview (11:57)
SEAL-- It Starts With The Adults (12:29)
Emotional Contagion (3:37)
Well-being & Resilience (5:45)
Module 2--Taking Action--Putting Learning into Practice
Module 2 -- Assessments -- Stress & Well-being
Module 2 -- Reflection and Exit Ticket
Module 3 -- The Biology of Belonging & Cultivating Connection
Module 3 Overview (10:06)
The Biology of Belonging (11:15)
Building Belonging in Action (13:37)
Module 3 -- Assessments -- Social Capital
Module 3 -- Taking Action -- Putting Learning Into Practice
Module 3 -- Reflection and Exit Ticket
Module 4 -- Space & Structure for S.E.A.L./10 Teaching Practices
Module 4 Overview (4:19)
Infusing S.E.A.L. Into Daily Practices
Space & Structures for Strengthening SEAL (32:52)
Module 4 -Teaching Practices in Action
Module 4 -- Taking Action -- Putting Learning Into Practice
Module 4 -- Assessments-- 10 Teaching Practices
Module 4 -- Reflection and Exit Ticket
Module 5 -- Cultivating Connection With Circles
Module 5 Overview (5:58)
Cultivating Connection & Community Through Circles (31:34)
Module 5 -- Observe and Report -- Teaching Practices in Action (7:12)
Module 5 -- Assessments -- Happiness in the Workplace
Module 5 -- Taking Action -- Putting Learning Into Practice
Module 5 -- Reflection and Exit Ticket
Module 6 -- Purpose and Engagement -- Know Your Why
Know Your WHY (16:05)
The Significance of Student Purpose (15:02)
Youth Ignited By Purpose (50:33)
Engaging Student Purpose (10:10)
Module 6 -- Observe and Report -- Teaching Practices in Action (8:03)
Module 6 -- Assessments -- Purpose
Module 6 -- Taking Action -- Putting Learning Into Practice
Module 6 -- Reflection and Exit Ticket
Module 7 -- Mindful Adults: Cultivating Presence & Resilience
Module 7 Overview (16:22)
Mindfulness and the Brain (10:37)
Mindfulness for Adults- What, Why, and How (9:24)
Module 7 -- Observe and Report -- Teaching Practices in Action (19:23)
Module 7 --Assessments -- Mindfulness
Module 7 -- Taking Action -- Putting Learning Into Practice
Module 7 -- Reflection and Exit Ticket
Module 8 --Mindful Students: Practices to Boost Focus, Self-Management, & Resilience
Module 8 Overview (6:47)
Mindfulness and the Brain-- Students (8:47)
Mindfulness for Students -- What, Why, How? (25:24)
Module 8 -- Assessments -- Awe
Module 8 -- Observe and Report -- Teaching Practices in Action (21:01)
Module 8 -- Taking Action -- Putting Learning Into Practice
Module 8 -- Reflection and Exit Ticket
Module 9 -- Mindset Matters: The Adult Mindset
Module 9 Overview (9:32)
Mindset Matters -- Adult Mindset (22:06)
Becoming Master Learners (23:53)
Module 9 -- Assessments -- Mindset
Module 9 -- Observe and Report -- Teaching Practices in Action (5:45)
Module 9 -- Taking Action -- Putting Learning Into Practice
Module 9 -- Reflection and Exit Ticket
Module 10 -- Mindset Matters: Empowering Student Mindset
Module 10 Overview (14:24)
Mindset Matters -- Student Mindset (8:25)
The 3Ps- Productive Struggle, Perseverance, and Process Praise (25:32)
Famous Failures & Struggle to Success Stories (12:45)
Module 10 -- Assessments -- Classroom Mindset
Module 10 -- Observe and Report -- Teaching Practices in Action (13:33)
Module 10 -- Taking Action -- Putting Learning Into Practice (1:05)
Module 10 -- Reflection and Exit Ticket
Module 11 -- Integrating the Science of Kindness, Appreciation, & Gratitude into School Culture
Module 11 Overview (11:09)
Cultivating Kindness (30:52)
Cultivating Appreciation & An Attitude of Gratitude (20:47)
Module 11 -- Assessments -- Appreciation & Gratitude at Work
Module 11 -- Assessments -- Altruism
Module 11 -- Assessments -- Attitude of Gratitude
Module 11 -- Observe and Report -- Teaching Practices in Action -- Kindness (14:39)
Module 11 -- Observe and Report Part Two -- Teaching Practices in Action -- Gratitude (8:45)
Module 11 -- Taking Action -- Putting Learning Into Practice
Module 11 -- Reflection and Exit Ticket
Module 12 – The Transformative Power of Empathy
Module 12 Overview (10:30)
Empathy -- WHAT and WHY? (22:17)
Intentionally Integrating Empathy Into Instruction -- The HOW (12:33)
Module 12 -- Assessments -- Empathy
Module 12 -- Assessments -- Compassionate Organizations
Module 12 -- Observe and Report -- Teaching Practices in Action (12:12)
Taking Action -- Putting Learning Into Practice
Module 12 -- Reflection and Exit Ticket
Course Completion & Reflection
Next Steps -- How Have You Grown?
Final Course Feedback
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